Register at https://app3.jackrabbitclass.com/regv2.asp?id=526665
2022-2023 Class Descriptions
At Bethesda Conservatory of Dance, LLC we offer a wide variety of classes from the most fundamental 2 year-old dancers creative movement class to cutting edge contemporary technique offered by highly educated and experienced dance education professionals. Please check out our Dress Code page https://www.bethesdaconservatoryofdance.com/dress-code-requirements for attire requirements. While you are welcome to purchase your dancewear anywhere, we have an online option for your convenience. https://www.shopnimbly.com/BethesdaConservatoryofDance. Need help tracking down those items? We can help! Give us a call at (301) 654-2200 and a staff member will be happy to assist you. We ask that each dancer have all required shoes and dancewear within two weeks of starting class.
Our schedule of classes is constantly evolving based on the needs and interests of our students, so if you do not see what you are looking for, email us at office@bethesdaconservatoryofdance.com. New classes are forming all the time!
2 Year-old Creative Movement (gradual separation)
This class uses music and props to engage young dancers in fun developmentally appropriate movement. While, basic dance shapes and class structure are introduced, our main focus is to inspire a lifelong love of dance while encouraging the development of preschool readiness skills. These skills include, participating with a group, taking turns, spatial awareness, gross and fine-motor skills, and the confidence to gradually separate from the care-giver. This curriculum has been developed by a Board Certified Dance/Movement Therapist and Nationally Certified Psychotherapist specializing in the development of pre-school age children. These students have the option of performing one routine in the Spring Recital.
Dancers will wear a solid color leotard, pink tights, ballet skirt, and pink no tie ballet shoes for girls. Boys will wear black sweat pants, plain white t-shirt (no graphics), and black ballet shoes.
Creative Dance I (3 year olds) and II (4 year olds)
This class uses music and props to engage our students in developmentally appropriate movement. Basic ballet and tap shapes and steps are introduced along with developmental concepts such as crossing the mid-line, balancing, identifying rhythm, as well as gross and fine motor skills in a traditional class structure. We encourage the children to integrate their evolving movement vocabulary as well as explore new movement options during creative movement activities. We have big goals for our little dancers, but our first priority is that the children are enjoying class. We want them to love dance as much as we do!
Each Creative Dance class will perform one routine in the Spring Recital. Dancers will wear a solid color leotard, pink tights, ballet skirt, tan or brown no tie tap shoes, and pink no tie ballet shoes for girls. Boys will wear black sweatpants, plain white t-shirt (no graphics), and black ballet shoes.
Our disciplined, yet encouragement-based Ballet technique class offers the student a clear understanding of ballet terminology, proper body lines, and alignment. Through repetition and gentle corrections, our goal is for our students to achieve grace, poise, and confidence along with strong technique.
Students will follow the tradition of a full barre, stretch, center work, turns, across the floor traveling exercises, leaps, and a reverence in each class. Students will learn adagio movement, waltz, petite and Grande allegro through combinations and variations. Students will perform one routine in the Spring Recital.
Dancers will wear a solid color leotard, pink tights, ballet skirt, and pink no tie ballet shoes for girls. Boys will wear black sweatpants, plain white t-shirt (no graphics), and black ballet shoes.
Ballet/Tap Combination Class (I & II)
This class is for the 5 and 6 year old dancer who is ready to move into a one hour class. It is more disciplined than our pre-school classes while still incorporating the creative imagery that inspire young dancers. Developmentally appropriate movement is introduced in a traditional class structure. Barre work, center floor, traveling exercises across the floor, combinations, rhythm, musicality, and foundational steps will be emphasized. In this fun, no-pressure technique class, proper alignment is introduced through the use of games, imagery, and props. Academic concepts such as sequencing, motor planning, and opposites are nurtured. Students are encouraged to dance with one or more classmates while they explore gross motor movement possibilities. Students will perform two routines in the Spring Recital.
Dancers will wear a solid color leotard, pink or tan tights, ballet skirt, tan or brown no tie tap shoes, and pink no tie ballet shoes for girls. Boys will wear black sweatpants, plain white t-shirt (no graphics), black tap shoes, and black ballet shoes.
Ballet/Jazz Combination Classes
This one-hour class is offered as an introduction to dance to the recreational dancer ages 8 and up. Students will be introduced to the technique, traditions, and language of dance in a lighthearted atmosphere. Emphasis is placed on fun, friends, fitness, and encouraging self-confidence. This class is offered primarily in the summer.
Ballet/Tap/Jazz Combination Class I, II, III)
This class is for the 7-9 (I), 10-12 (II), 13+ (III) year old dancer who is ready to move beyond a two genre combination class. This 75 minute class is a time efficient way to expand movement repertoire and meet new friends. Students will learn foundation technique in the three major dance disciplines. Each class will have a ballet barre, traveling exercises across the floor, tap progressions, and the beginning elements of jazz in a variety of styles. The jazz portion will focus on body isolations and alignment. Students will perform two routines in the Spring Recital.
Dancers will wear a solid color leotard, pink or tan tights, ballet skirt, tan or brown no tie tap shoes, tan or brown slip on jazz shoes, and pink no tie ballet shoes for girls. Boys will wear black sweatpants, plain white t-shirt (no graphics), black slip on jazz shoes, black tap shoes, and black ballet shoes.
Advanced students over age 12 may be invited to study the newest genre embraced by formally trained dancers. Core work fall and recovery, expressive musicality, speed changes, effort/shape work, creativity, versatility in embodying different choreographic styles and the performers’ stage style are emphasized in this technique class. Because Contemporary borrows from Ballet, Modern, and Jazz technique, each contemporary student should take a minimum of 2 weekly technique classes to participate in this class. Students will perform one routine in the Spring Concert.
Solid color leotard, tan, or pink tights, black shorts, skirt, or jazz capri pants may be worn over leotard and tights. Tan or brown slip on split sole jazz shoes. Boys will wear black sweatpants or tights, a solid white t-shirt (no graphics), and black ballet shoes.
Hippity Hop (I &II)
Our 3-4 (I) and 5-6 (II) year old Dancers are invited to join our squeaky-clean Hip Hop based class. Using age-appropriate popular music, students will develop motor skills and coordination. Teachers will introduce footwork, musicality, rhythm, and body shapes associated with various styles of Hip Hop technique. Creativity, imagery, and movement games are a big part of the fun in this class. Hippity Hop students will perform one routine in the Spring Recital.
All dancers should wear black leggings or sweatpants, solid color t-shirt or tank top (no writing or patterns), black split-sole jazz sneakers.
Hip Hop
Students are invited to join our fun, high-energy Hip-Hop class. Age appropriate movement and music are used in this fast-paced class. With its roots in street jazz, pop and lock, commercial, and pedestrian styles, Hip Hop is a constantly evolving form of dance. Students will participate in a warm-up focusing on aerobic activity, strength, and flexibility. Combinations will be performed in the center and across the floor.
All dancers should wear black leggings or sweatpants, solid color t-shirt or tank top (no writing or patterns), black split-sole jazz sneakers.
Introduction to Ballet
Student ages 5-6 are invited to join us for this hour long ballet technique class. While not forced, turn-out, stretching, body lines are introduced through creative imagery. This is an encouragement based technique class that introduces terminology, alignment, and musicality. Through repetition and gentle corrections, our goal is for our students to achieve grace, poise, and confidence along with strong technique.
Students will follow the tradition of a full barre, stretch, center work, turns, across the floor traveling exercises, leaps, and a reverence in each class. Students will learn adagio movement, waltz, petite and Grande allegro through combinations and variations. Students will perform one routine in the Spring Recital.
Dancers will wear a solid color leotard, pink tights, ballet skirt, and pink no tie ballet shoes for girls. Boys will wear black sweat pants, plain white t-shirt (no graphics), and black ballet shoes.
Students are invited to take a one hour Jazz technique class. Each class uses popular age-appropriate music, consists of a warm-up, stretching, isolations, strength and conditioning work, floor work, turns, leaps, jumps, through traveling exercises and combinations. Multiple styles (Broadway, Classical, Commercial, etc.) will be covered over time. A Ballet technique class is recommended to Jazz students who wish to further their technical skills. Students will perform one routine in the Spring Recital.
Girls will wear a solid color leotard, pink, or tan tights; tan or brown slip on jazz shoes. Black jazz shorts, capri’s or pants are optional over the tights and leotard. Boys will wear black sweatpants or tights, a solid white t-shirt (no graphics), and black slip on jazz shoes.
Jazz/Tap Combination Class
Dancers ages are invited to take our Tap/Jazz combination class. It is designed as a fast-paced technique-oriented class for the dancer who is ready for a one-hour class but not quite ready for (or interested in) Ballet. For the dancer that is Ballet focused, this class can be a solid introduction to other genres. The Jazz portion will include a total body warm-up focusing on strength, stretching, and body isolations; footwork, combinations, traveling exercises, as well as jump and leaps. The tap section will focus on proper tap progressions, rhythms, alignment. When offered, this class will perform two routines in the Spring Recital.
Students are invited to use their own creative imagery and musicality in Lyrical class. Students are encouraged to express themselves and put feeling into the steps as they develop their technical skills. Lyrical students are encouraged to take a one hour ballet or jazz technique class. Lyrical students will perform one routine in the Spring Recital. Girls must wear a solid color leotard or dance dress, ballet skirt, pink or tan tights, and tan or brown split sole slip on jazz shoes. Boys will wear black sweatpants or tights, a solid white t-shirt (no graphics), and black slip on jazz shoes.
Modern dance is technical tradition that evolved a rejection of the rigidity of ballet. While drawing on the class structure and vocabulary of ballet, modern allows for a greater understanding of how the body moves. This class emphasizes: alignment, balance, strength, flexibility, floor work and weight shift. Ballet technique class is strongly recommended for the Modern dancer.
Dancers should wear a solid color leotard, tan, pink, or black footless tights. Revolution brand canvas half-sloe lyrical shoes. A unitard may be worn. Black dance shorts may be worn over tights and leotard. Boys will wear black tights or sweatpants, solid white t-shirt (no graphics), and no shoes.
Outreach Performance Team
These non-competitive dance groups focus on seasonal choreography performed in and around the Bethesda area. Venues have included, assisted living facilities and Bethesda Big Train, Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day Parade, the National Cherry Blossom Parade, Washington Wizards Pre-Game Show, Holiday Performances at Pike & Rose, and more.
Dancer are required to purchase jazz sneakers, tan or brown split sole Jazz Shoes, and team attire in addition to the costuming for the recital. Only dancers taking two technique classes per week may register for this class. We prefer Ballet and Jazz technique. DIRECTOR’S APPROVAL REQUIRED!
Poms is a group dance genre that is typically performed during sporting events. Poms choreography is fun, sharp, and rhythmic, incorporating themes from hip hop, jazz, and lyrical. Students will participate in an aerobic warm-up, focusing on strength, isolations, and flexibility. They will work on traveling exercises across the floor, build combinations, and will learn level appropriate turns and jumps. Poms students are encouraged to attend at least one hip hop, lyrical, or jazz class per week.
All dancers should wear black leggings or sweatpants, solid color t-shirt or tank top (no writing or patterns), black split-sole jazz sneakers.
Dancers gain admittance to this class through teacher recommendation and director approval. This 75-minute non-performing technique class will focus on the strength and alignment necessary for pointe work. Dancers must be enrolled in this class for two years (year-round) in order to be considered for evaluation for pointe shoes. There will be no performance element to this class. DIRECTOR’S APPROVAL REQUIRED!
Dancers must wear a leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet slippers.
Students are invited to move beyond the combination class into a 45-minute tap technique class. This, fun, high energy class will emphasize proper tap progressions, styles, and rhythms. Tap students will perform one routine in the Spring Recital.
Girls will wear a solid color leotard, pink, or tan tights; tan or brown slip on tap shoes. Dancers over 10 shoes have hard toe split sole tap shoes. Black jazz shorts, capri’s or pants are optional over the tights and leotard. Boys will wear black sweatpants or tights, a solid white t-shirt (no graphics), and black slip on tap shoes.
Register at https://app3.jackrabbitclass.com/regv2.asp?id=526665