About Us
Our mission is to provide low pressure, high quality dance instruction. We offer a variety of classes taught by professional dance educators to support the aspirations of both the recreational and serious dancer. We promise you a real dance education in a kind and positive setting. We believe that there is inherent value in learning to do something well and our staff is there to help your dancer move to their potential and feel good about themselves in the process.
Colleen Snyder, M.A., BC-DMT, NCC, Owner/Director of Bethesda Conservatory of Dance is Certified by Dance Masters of America. She has taught at many major studios throughout the mid-Atlantic region including Dance! by DiNote, Conservatory of Music and Dance, The Conservatory of Dance at DeSales University, and served as Assistant Director of Positions. She has danced in small dance companies like the Creative Energy Dance Project and worked for major dance competitions like Stars of the Future. Her choreography has been seen at the Pennsylvania Governor’s Mansion, Wells Fargo Center, Babylon Night of Shopping, and Disney’s American Pavilion. As a Dance/Movement Therapist, Colleen has been honored to work for Kardon Institute where she was part of a team working on a Pew’s Granted research project bringing Dance/Movement Therapy to at risk adolescents. In addition to her time working for the Autistic Center in Philadelphia, Sunrise Day Camp, and Alternative’s for Children, she has been a featured lecturer at the American Dance Therapy Association conference, organized National Dance Week Events in support of the Andrea Rizzo Dance Therapy Foundation, written for Dance Studio Life Magazine, and served as an Internship Supervisor for Drexel University. Colleen lives in Bethesda with her husband and three children.